Product Summary
The TDA8362A is a single-chip TV processor which contains nearly all small signal functions that is required for a colour television receiver. For a complete receiver the following circuits need to be added: a base-band delay line (TDA4661), a tuner and output stages for audio, video and horizontal and vertical deflection. Because of the different functional contents of the TDA8362A the set maker can make the optimum choice depending on the requirements for the receiver.
TDA8362A absolute maximum ratings: (1)VP, supply voltage: 9.0 V; (2)Tstg, storage temperature: -25 to +150℃; (3)Tamb, operating ambient temperature: -25 to +70℃; (4)Tsol, soldering temperature for 5 s: 260℃; (5)Tj, maximum junction temperature (operating): 150℃.
TDA8362A features: (1)Vision IF amplifier with high sensitivity and good differential; (2)gain and phase; (3)Multistandard FM sound demodulator (4.5 MHz to 6.5 MHz); (4)Integrated chrominance trap and bandpass filters (automatically; (5)calibrated); (6)Integrated luminance delay line; (7)RGB control circuit with linear RGB inputs and fast blanking; (8)Horizontal synchronization with two control loops and alignment-free horizontal oscillator without external components; (9)Vertical count-down circuit (50/60 Hz) and vertical preamplifier; (10)Low dissipation (700 mW); (11)Small amount of peripheral components compared with competition ICs; (12)Only one adjustment (vision IF demodulator); (13)The supply voltage for the ICs is 8 V. They are mounted in a shrink DIL envelope with 52 pins and are pin compatible.