Product Summary

The OZ9976GN is a Smart Multi-DIMM Selector. The OZ9976GN supports the switching between a primary SMBus and 3 other secondary SMBus. This function is particularly useful for DIMM devices and the support of PAS (Preboot Authentication Service). In addition, the OZ9976GN can be configured to support two different power planes with different sets of General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) signals, which supplements and enhances the power management capability of the chipsets, commonly found in an ACPI (Advanced Configuration of Power Interface) subsystem.


OZ9976GN absolute maximum ratings: (1)VCC, DC Power Supply Voltage: -0.3 to 5.5 V; (2)VIN, VOUT DC Input, Output Voltage: -0.3 to VCC + 0.3 V; (3)IIN, DC Current Drain VCC and VCC Pins: ±25 mA; (4)TSTG, Storage Temperature: -40 to +125℃; (5)TOPER, Operation Temperature: 0 to 70℃.


OZ9976GN features: (1)SMBus, version 1.0, compliant; (2)Intel PAS Protected Storage support; (3)Support Pentium and x86-based designs; (4)Support SMBus Q-Buffering via PWRGD; (5)Support SMBus selector for dual/triple DIMMs; (6)32KHZ input clock or Crystal input; (7)Support 2 different power planes; (8)10 bytes scratch pad registers; (9)20 possible edge-sensitive programmable GPIOs per device; (10)8 possible Open Drain, Open Collector outputs; (11)Programmable addresses for cascaded OZ998s; (12)Supports 3.3V or 5V operation; (13)Supports 5V tolerant LVTTL inputs.


OZ9976GN block diagram