Product Summary
The hd6413003f16 is a high-performance microcontroller that integrates system supporting functions together with an H8/300H CPU core.
hd6413003f16 absolute maximum ratings: (1)Power supply voltage: -0.3V to +7.0 V; (2)Input voltage (except port 7): -0.3V to VCC +0.3 V; (3)Input voltage (port 7): -0.3V to AVCC +0.3 V; (4)Reference voltage: -0.3V to AVCC +0.3 V; (5)Analog power supply voltage: -0.3V to +7.0 V; (6)Analog input voltage: -0.3V to AVCC +0.3 V; (7)Operating temperature Topr Regular specifications: -20℃ to +75℃; (8)Storage temperature: -55 to +125℃; (9) Wide-range specifications: -40℃to +85℃.
hd6413003f16 features: (1)Maximum clock rate: 16 MHz; (2)Add/subtract: 125 ns; (3)Multiply/divide: 875 ns; (4)8/16/32-bit data transfer, arithmetic, and logic instructions; (5)Signed and unsigned multiply instructions (8 bits - 8 bits, 16 bits - 16 bits); (6)Signed and unsigned divide instructions (16 bits - 8 bits, 32 bits - 16 bits); (7)Bit accumulator function; (8)Bit manipulation instructions with register-indirect specification of bit positions; (9)Chip select output available for each area ; (10)8-bit access or 16-bit access selectable for each area; (11)Two-state or three-state access selectable for each area; (12)Selection of four wait modes; (13)Bus arbitration function.